
About this blog

Primarily this is a blog about 'sustainable' architecture and construction. There are many aspects and differing views as to what actually constitutes sustainable construction. To me it is about building something that benefits the resident and/ or community now, as well as benefiting the environment; in turn the wider community for generations to come.

It may be as simple as a single residential dwelling which has superior floor, wall and ceiling insulation in order to cut down on heating and cooling needs. Or it may be a civil construction project, or town planning legislation which has immediate benefits to the community, as well as having multiple long-term environmental benefits.

Living architecture (Green roofs and walls) are a sustainable aspect of residential and commercial construction which are proven to provide benefits to the resident/ building user, as well as benefit the environment.

Throughout Europe Green Roofs are fairly common practice. Many European towns have legislation stipulating a Green Roof must be included in construction.

The main focus of this blog is living architecture, the aim is to provide information and inspiration on this topic.


About this blogger


Australian Carpenter with 10 years residential construction experience in Victoria, and 3 years international travel experience. This combination has amounted to a solid knowledge of current Australian construction practices as well as a growing interest in construction practices throughout Europe and North America. In 2015 I travelled to Europe to further my knowledge of international sustainable construction practices. I bring this knowledge/ inspiration back to Australia.

My Green Roof Experience

In June 2015 I attended the BioSolar Green Roof Pilot Course run by the Scandinavian Green Roof Institute. Held at the Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden in Malmö, Sweden, the course was an information packed 5 days of valuable green roof material. A combination of theoretical, and practical learning provided the perfect opportunity to take what was learnt in the class room onto the roof above.

Read more about my experience at the BioSolar Green Roof Course.


About this bloggers girlfriend

The majority of the photo credits go to my graphic designer girlfriend. The German to English translation is also accredited to her. She is always on the look out for sustainable construction. She is awesome.

And yes, she made me write that!