Aix-en-Provence, France

Green Wall Art inspires Green Wall Practicality

A bridge facade which brings life and colour to an otherwise dull inner city intersection has seemingly also provided the inspiration for another prominent green wall in the French town of Aix-en-Provence.

Patrick Blanc is credited with modernizing and popularizing the Vertical Garden, having created over 250 artistic green walls worldwide. His works continue to inspire other similar projects. Such is the case in Aix-en-Provence, where his creation on Pont (bridge) Max Juvenal seems to have had a contagious effect. Only 200 metres around the corner a main city bus station (Gare Routiére) has undergone a vital redevelopment. The centre piece of the upgrade- a green retaining wall claimed to be the largest public green wall in France.

2 stunning examples of vertically 'greening' the urban environment.

Pont Max Juvenal- Patrick Blanc

The 2008 masterpiece, designed by botanist turned internationally renowned Green Wall artist; Patrick Blanc is an imposingly large artpiece wedged between 2 buildings. The massive green wall is 15 metres high and has a total surface area of 650m2.  An astonishing 22 000 plants were required to create the the awe inspiring work of art that is 'Mur Vegetal', Pont Max Juvenal. 

Gare Routiére- Retaining Green Wall

Constucted in 2013 as part of a major revitalisation of an integral city bus station, this 210 metre long and 8 metre high retaining wall provides a terrific example of the practical functions a green wall can perform. Aside from the obvious function of creating more space by retaining the earth behind, this special 'green' retaining wall also-

  • Reduces noise pollution- the green wall absorbs the noise from the bus engines, decreasing the overall sound by around 20 decibels.
  • Improves air quality- simply put- plants reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and create oxygen. Effectively cleaning the air.
  • Aesthetically improves the area- the plants of the green wall have a softening effect on the surrounding urban infastructure.

For more information on the benefiits of Green Walls (as well as roofs and facades) visit the extremely informative Growing Green Guide -

For further information about Patrick Blanc visit-